Rae of Life Photography

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"Tonka Tough" Family!

Life can sure be a lot of things.

It can be wonderful
It can be exciting
It can be painful
It can break your heart
It can heal you
It can make you stronger than you ever thought possible

Despite what life brings you, and when it delivers it, one thing is for sure…

Sharing it with people you love makes it all a whole lot easier.

The Lewis family has been faced with a tough battle, and their little warrior Zander has got to be one of the bravest little guys I know! He’s so blessed with the best army by his side, and their strength and love is something to admire.


That is exactly what Zander and his family are!
It’s been a rollercoaster, but the love that Paige and Aaron have for each other, and their children, is stronger than anything life throws their way…..

…and because that love is stronger than most, life gave them an extra, super unexpected, unbelievable, blessing…

Despite what they had planned, (and prevented by a tubal ligation) it looks like the Lewis Family has been blessed with two more hands for praying…

Tonka Tough just got TONKA TOUGHER!!!